A Change in Plans ….

Well, I sent out my drivers license renewal a couple weeks ago and got my temporary license, so I’m now street-legal again. Alas, though, PA wants a new photo for my license (and I presume they’ll wanna check my eyeballs since I am an old fart). And I have to be in PA to do that. Since my temp license is good till April, I have some time to get to PA and do whatever they want me to for my renewed license. I already filled out all my Real ID paperwork the last time (though, PA being PA, they were on one of their “communist government can’t tell us what to do!!” kicks and didn’t have any Real-ID licenses to give anyone). So I should be able to get mine now without re-doing all that crap.

I had been planning to spend March in Tulsa, April in Omaha, and May in Cincinnati, but now that’ll need to change. Since it’s cold in PA and I have no desire to freeze, and since we are also supposed to get VERY low temps here in Fort Worth (highs in the low 20s for almost a week) my new plan is to head southeast and keep going till I hit someplace warm (even if I have to go to Miami), stay there till it warms up again in PA, then make a quick dash up to do all my shit–then head south again. Then I have to be in PA again in June to renew my registration (and for my niece’s wedding). I’ll be doing lots of back-and-forth.

So I probably won’t be visiting any places for the next week or two, and I may be incommunicado for a little while.

On top of all that, my van was giving me gripes about starting up, but the nice folks at Firestone Auto care tell me it’s just the battery, so that was a quick and easy fix.

I am sooooooo tired of winter.  😦


7 thoughts on “A Change in Plans ….

  1. Fort Worth has had the oddest weather I’ve been in so far. One day it’s mid-70s, and literally two days later it’s low 40s. Then it switches every few days.

    Supposed to be a HIGH near freezing for the next three or four days. Fuuuuuuck that. I’m heading someplace warm. πŸ˜‰

  2. Ohio has been very similar to Fort Worth with fluctuating temperatures from 60s one day to snow the next. I’m ready for some spring flowers and consistent warmer weather. Today was in the 50s but predictions of six inches of snow on Sunday. Yuk!

  3. Sorry about the stupid red tape and cold weather…a double whammy for sure. I think Florida has had its last cold snap. The car a/c is already getting its seasonal workout. We do, however, have lots of sunshine to offer. Can you think of any places between the South and PA you could tour along the way or have you seen it all?

  4. Jan: Right now I’m in San Antonio TX–that was the closest place I saw on the weather map that was still warm. So I’ll stay here a few days till the cold snap passes, then make my way up to PA. I think I may just dash straight up to PA as quickly as I can, then go exploring again once I get my license squared away. I’m thinking maybe Cleveland and Cincinnati.

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